Sinhophone Borderlands Survey Workshop 2022

Date & Time

5 – 9 September, 2022 , HYBRID FORM


Tř. Svobody 686/26



The main aim of the workshop is to present preliminary papers based on our survey data from the waves we at Sinophone Borderlands have been organizing (Europe 2020, IndoPacific 2022, China and Hong Kong 2022, Africa and Latin America 2022, and North America and Europe 2022). The goal of the workshop will be to further develop these papers for joint publications.
Project partners from various parts of the world have been invited to Olomouc to present their preliminary research results.


Richard Turcsanyi (
Kristina Kironska (
Alfred Gerstl (
(Sinophone Borderlands, Interaction at the Edges, Palacky University Olomouc)

This is a closed-door event. For online participation and the ZOOM link, please contact one of the organizers.