Global views on China
As part of the Sinophone Borderlands project, a series of representative online public opinion surveys have been conducted in 2020-2022, investigating global attitudes towards China and other related issues. Altogether, we have surveyed 56 countries worldwide (four of them twice) and have collected responses from more than 80 thousand respondents. We hired reputable market and social research agencies to collect the data, including NMS, Focus, and STEM/MARK, who collaborated with global partners such as Cint, Rakuten, Toluna, and others, to collect responses. The research has an ethical statement from the Palacky University Olomouc ethical board.
Five waves of surveys have been organized:
- 2020 in 13 countries in Europe
- 2022 in Mainland China and Hong Kong
- 2022 in 15 countries in the Indo-Pacific
- 2022 in 15 countries in Africa, Latin America and Caribbean
- 2022 in 15 countries in North America, Europe, and the Middle East

Duncan McCargo (Nanyang Technological University)
Petra Alderman (University of Birmingham)
Peter Gries (University of Manchester)
Jagannath Panda (Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs)
Francisco Urdinez (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)
Diego Telias (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)
Tao Wang (University of Manchester)
Sophie Xiangqian Yi (New York University)
Andrew Chubb (Lancaster University)
Bai Xue (Lancaster University)
Barbara Yoxon (Lancaster University)
Andrej Findor (Comenius University in Bratislava)
Jiří Čeněk (Mendel University in Brno)
Herman Aubie (University of Turku)
Diya Jiang (McGill University)
Benjamin Toettoe (University of Montreal)
Matej Šimalčík (Central European Institute of Asian Studies)
Tamás Matura (Central and Eastern European Center for Asian Studies and Corvinus University of Budapest)
Adrian Brona (Jagiellonian University)
Mario Esteban (Elcano Royal Institute)
Björn Jerdén (Swedish Institute of International Relations)
Tim Summers (Chatham House and Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Tim Rühlig (Swedish Institute of International Relations)
Marc Julienne (French Institute of International Relations)
Beatrice Gallelli (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
Marco Zappa (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
Alessandro Albana (Università di Bologna)
Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova (Rīga Stradiņš University)
Jelena Gledic (University of Belgrade)
Amy Liu (University of Texas at Austin)
José Magano (Instituto Superior de Ciências Empresariais e do Turismo)
Matej Hruška (Comenius University in Bratislava)
Ondrej Buchel (Comenius University in Bratislava)
Publications Summary
Academic publications:
- Exploring public opinions on Rohingya refugees residing in India: An empirical study (International Journal of Population Studies)
- After the Coup: Myanmar’s Political and Humanitarian Crises (Anu Press)
- Exploring Ideological Differences in Taiwanese Perceptions of Cross-Strait Relations (Current Psychology)
- Worsening British views of China in 2020: evidence from public opinion, parliament, and the media (Asia Europe Journal)
- The East Is Red…Again! How the Specters of Communism and Russia Shape Central and Eastern European Views of China (Communist and Post-Communist Studies)
- Image of China in Slovakia: ambivalence, adoration, and fake news (Asia Europe Journal)
- Chinese Pride and European Prejudice: How Growing Resentment of China Cools Feelings toward Chinese in Europe (Asian Survey)
- Chinese Public Diplomacy and European Public Opinion during COVID-19 (China Review)
- Divided National Identity and COVID-19: How China Has Become a Symbol of Major Political Cleavage in the Czech Republic (China Review)
Summary reports:
- Public attitudes in Taiwan-V4 relations – Solid basis, space for improvement
- Chinese views of the world at the time of the Russia-Ukraine war. Evidence from a March 2022 public opinion survey
- South Korean public opinion on the world in times of global turmoil. US yay, China nay, Japan meh
- Public opinion in the Indo-Pacific: Divided on China, cheering for US & EU
- Destined for conflict? Taiwanese and Chinese public opinions on Cross-Strait relations
- US-China rivalry in the Global South? Insights from a public opinion survey
- Trans-Atlantic public opinion on China. Great power competition amidst Russian invasion of Ukraine
- German public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Ripe for European leadership?
- Slovak public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Caught between values and conspiracies
- French public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Political distrust trumps economic opportunities
- What Do Swedes Think about China? Insights from an Extensive Survey of Swedish Public Opinion of China
- Czech public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: A divided nation
- British public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Worsening perceptions amidst the pandemic
- Spanish public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Facing COVID-19’s negative impact
- Italian public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Longing for economic engagement amid general distrust
- Serbian public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: An unyielding alliance?
- Latvian public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Economic optimism against all odds
- Polish public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Desirable partner versus a source of concern
- Hungarian public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Enthusiasm overshadowed by skepticism?
- Russian public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: A suspicious ally
- K. Kironska (2024), “Taiwan’s Attempts to Enact an Asylum Law: Navigating Politics, Public Opinion, and Human Rights,” Taiwan Human Rights Hub, 22 November 2024.
- K. Kironska, “Rohingya Refugees Facing Exclusion and Deportation with India’s Citizenship Amendment Act“, Reset DOC, 12 July 2024.
- K. Kironska, “The Dalai Lama’s Visits to Taiwan Intertwined with Cross-Strait Relations“, Reset DOC, 5 June 2024.
- Amid a worsening refugee crisis, public support is high in both Australia and NZ to accept more Rohingya
- Discussion needed on refugee law
- 2022 年台灣民眾就提供庇護權的看法
- Taiwan’s asylum policy: a lack of political will to implement the law?
- Acclaimed abroad but not at home
- What Do Bangladeshis Really Think of the Rohingya?
- Pakistanis Perceive China as Their ‘Best Friend’
- What Do Chinese People Really Think About Some of China’s Important Partners?
- Chinese Views of the US and Russia After the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- Poll: The EU Has Solid Common Ground When It Comes To China: A new poll encompassing 13 European countries finds remarkable consensus on China – mostly negative.
- Gli europei vedono male la Cina. L’Italia è l’eccezione d’occidente
- Ak ide o Číňanov, je v poriadku byť xenofóbny?
- China’s Deteriorating Image
- L’opinion publique française sur la Chine à l’ère du COVID-19 : la méfiance politique l’emporte sur les opportunités économiques
- COVID Whispers in the Heart of Europe
- Čína nám během pandemie pomohla více než EU, myslí si Češi. Jsou skeptičtí i vůči vakcíně, zjistil výzkum Univerzity Palackého
- Europe’s Rising Anti-China Populism
- Investičná dohoda s Čínou a zlaté teľa európskej jednoty
- China investment agreement and the golden calf of EU unity
- EURACTIV Podcast | Expert na Čínu: Na „rúškovú diplomaciu“ Pekingu Európania rýchlo zabudli
- Slovakia and the democracies of Northeast Asia: Partnerships rooted in values
- Growing Duality: Polish Opinions on China and Why They Matter
- Public Opinion Can Make or Break the U.S.-EU Alliance on China
- Maďarsko možno zásadne zmení svoju politiku k Číne
- Orbána tlačí Maďaři včetně jeho příznivců, aby přestal nadbíhat Číně
- Hungarian Policy Toward China Might Be Facing a Seismic Shift
Media mentions and other publications:
- The Wall Street Journal
- Financial Times
- Taiwan Plus TV
- TaiwanPlus News
- Dennik N (SK)
- The Diplomat (USA)
- Denik N (CZ)
- OSA Lodz (PL)
- Aktuality (SK)
- IPQ (DE)
- Wiwo (Wirtschaftswoche) (DE)
- Toutiao (CN)
- FAZ (DE)
- Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia – Ita (IT)
- Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia – Eng (IT)
- Il Manifesto (IT)
- WWWItalia (IT)
- Deutche Welle Chinese version (DE/CN)
- Standard (SK)
- Le Monde (FR)
- SME (SK)
- BBC – Chinese (UK)
- Spiegel (DE)
- Newsbeezer (DE/UK)
- Warsaw Institute (PL)
- Azonnali (HU)