Dr. Ryzhova Natalia
Project position
Key researcher, Excellent researcher
Reading group
Material culture and cultural anthropology
Research field(s)
Development, post-Socialist transformation, informal economy, cross-border mobilities, property rights, securitization
Dr. Natalia Ryzhova obtained her first degree (the Russian equivalent of Ph.D.) in economics in 2005, and higher Ph.D. (Doctor of Science) in 2013. She also holds an MPhil in Social Anthropology from Cambridge University (2014). As an economist who believes in the value of anthropological thoughts for understanding (non)development, Natalia focuses on post-Socialist transformations of the Russian Far East. Most of her work has been about “informal,” or real, economic practices in the region. She studied intermediation in cross-border mobilities, land property rights, smuggling, shuttle trade, bribes. Her current researches have concerned cross-border securitization as well as an agrarian transition on the North Asian Borders.
- Ryzhova, N. and Zhuravskaya, T. 2019. Housing in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia: The Transformation of Property Relations and Everyday Resistance. Universe of Russia. 28 (3): 48-66. [Article in Russian: Жилищный вопрос в советской и постсоветской России: трансформация отношений собственности и повседневная политика]
- Zhuravskaya, T. and Ryzhova, N. 2019. Calling for the state: illegal gold mining on the Russian Far East. Ethnograficheskoye obozrenie. 4: 29-44. [Article in Russian: Призывая государство: нелегальная золотодобыча на Дальнем Востоке]
- Ryzhova, N. 2018. E-commerce as a new technology: creativity and alienation of trust. In Trust, mistrust and “calculation”: Sino-Russian border economies. Ed. by C.Humphrey. Amsterdam University Press.
- Ryzhova, N. 2018. Invisible Trade: Sovereign Decisions on the Sino-Russian Border. In Routledge Handbook of Asian Borderlands. Ed.by M.Saxer, A. Horstmann, A. Rippa. Routledge.
- Ryzhova, N. 2014. Land and power: approaches to study property (a case of extralegal land use by Chinese farmers. Journal of Sociology and social anthropology (Moscow), 5:5-33. [Article in Russian: Земля и власть: подходы к исследованию собственности (случай неформального землепользования китайских фермеров)]
- Ryzhova, N. and Lee, E. 2013. Gold, the State and Market Actors: Legal vs. Illegal Practices of Interaction. Inner Asia, 15 (1): 5-32
Ryzhova, N. 2013. Economic integration of border regions. Khabarovsk, Economic Research Institute. [Book, in Russian: Экономическая интеграция приграничных регионов] - Ryzhova, N. 2012. Will the “Tragedy of Accessibility” Occur? The Case of the Amur as a Cross-Border Zone of Illegality. In Frontier Encounters. Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border. Ed. by Bille, Delaplace, Humphrey. Cambridge: OBP.
- Ryzhova, N. 2012. Extra-legal Practices of Natural Resource Management in the Russian Far East. In Eurasia Twenty Years After. Ed. A.Sengupta, S.Chatterjee, S.Bhattacharya. SHIPRA: MAKAIAS, India, Kolkata.
- Ryzhova, N. 2009. Border trade: The Influence on Economic Development in China and Russia. Voprosy Ekonomiki (Moscow), 6: 137-150. [Article in Russian: Влияние приграничной торговли на экономическое развитие России и Китая]