Material Culture Conference

Date & Time
September 6-7, 2019
Palacký University, Křižkovského 10, Room 3.05 & 2.25., Olomouc, Czech Republic
The project Sinophone Borderlands – Interaction at the Edges invites to a conference on material culture from 6th to 7th of September 2019 that focuses on the perception of material culture in Asia today. The conference seeks for approaches in studying material culture and its changes due to changes of livelihoods, environments, connectivity and natural resources in Far East, Central Asia, Siberia, South- and Southeast Asia. The conference highlights studying several regions (named above) but also meta-discourses like infrastructure, interior and comparisons of changing landscapes.
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Book of Abstract
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Time | 6 September 2019 (Friday), Křižkovského 10, Room 3.05 |
18:00 – 19:00 | Joy Hendry (Oxford Brookes University; University of Edinburgh) |
Material Culture in Unspoken Communication: The Case of Japan | |
19:00 – 19:30 | Welcome drink |
Time | 7 September 2019 (Saturday), Křižkovského 10, Room 2.25 |
9:00– 9:30 | Registration + Cup of coffee |
9:30 – 11:00 | Materiality – Identity – Community, English language panel |
Script as a Vital Element of Material Culture in Contemporary South Asia – Carmen Brandt (University of Bonn, Germany) | |
Felt making, its narrations on locality, people and its cultural contexts – Stephanie Bunn (University of St. Andrews, UK) | |
New look at centuries old Southeast Asia materials: rattan, lacquer and gutta percha in the context of cultural heritage artifacts – Hanna M Szczepanowska (West Virginia University, USA) | |
11:00 – 11:30 | Coffee break |
11:30-12:30 | Heritage and Material Culture, English Language panel |
The Immateriality of the Material: the Jamdani Case: an Intagible Cultural Heritage of Bangladesh – Niger Sultana (Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Bangladesh) | |
Anthropological dilemmas in the protection and preservation of cultural heritage with special reference to UNESCO, armed conflict and Bangladesh – Raasheed Mahmood (University of Dhaka – Bangladesh) | |
12:30 – 13:30 | Lunch |
13:30 – 15:30 | Material culture and the Museum, mixed language panel english – russian |
Asian art in the collection of the West Bohemian Museum in Pilsen – characteristics and origin of the collection – Jindřich Mleziva (West Bohemian Museum in Pilzen, Czechia) | |
Iranian collections from the Russian Ethnographic Museum: History of acquisitions and general characteristics – Lusine Stephanovna Gushchian (Russian Ethnography of Central Asia, Russia) | |
Traditional Kazakh utensils in the collection of the Russian Ethnographic Museum – Larisa Fedorovna Popova (Naprstek Museum, Czechia) | |
Manchu – Qing dynasty dress in the Náprstek museum – Helena Heroldová (Naprstek Museum, Czechia) | |
15:30 – 16:00 | Coffee break |
16:00 – 17:30 | Material culture and its documentation, Russian language panel |
Contemporary Tajik crafts – textile of Matcha Mountains – Olga Viktorovna Starostina (Russian Musem of Ethnography, Russia) | |
The Altai painter Choros-Gurkin and material culture – Rimma Mikhailovna Erkinova (Museum Ethnography, Russia) | |
The role of European written sources on the history of the material culture of the Karakalpaks of the 18th-19th centuries – Jumashev Askar, Saparniyazov Aziz (Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan) |