
10:00 Sayana Namsaraeva (University of Cambridge) & Natalya Ryzhova (Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic)
Panel 1 – Plants and seeds in Imperial and Colonial Encounters
Chair: Hedwig Waters (University of Leiden, the Netherlands)
10:15 Stephanie Ziehaus (Palacký University in Olomouc)
Soybeans in transfer. Russian imperial expansion and the transfer of knowledge and seeds between Austria, Manchuria, and the Amur region
10:45 Natalia Ryzhova (Palacký University in Olomouc)
Cultural, Wild and Federal Soybeans on the Amur: Legacy Effect
11:15 Olaf Guenter (University of Leipzig, Institute of Anthropology)
Alfalfa – entagled stories from the Aral Sea
11:45 Tobias Holzlehner (Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
Wild Rhizome: Zhen ́shen ́ (Panax ginseng), forest landscapes and foraging at the margins of Chinese capitalism
12:15 Victoria Namzhilova & Irina Van, Subad Dashieva (Baikal Institute for
Nature Management & Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist, and Tibetan Studies & Ulan-Ude)
Indigenous plants of the Russian Transbaikalia: Enhancing biopharmaceutical power of China
12:45 Sayana Namsaraeva (MIASU, University of Cambridge)
Siberian tea for Vladimir Putin and moral economies of the China–Russia Borderlands
13:15 Lunch Break
Panel 2 – Speaking Plants
Chair: Sayana Namsaraeva
14:30 Caroline Humphrey (MIASU, University of Cambridge)
Bad cannabis, good cannabis: Contradictions of a plant ́s social life in Buryatia
15:00 Tatiana Chudakova (Department of Anthropology, Tufts University, USA)
Artemesian Dreams: Cultivating Weeds in Russian Pharmacology
15:30 Olga Belichenko & Victoria Kolosova (Ca ́ Foscari University of Venice)
Tradition without Roots: History and modern use of the Russian Ivanchai (Epilobium Angustifolium)
16:00 Daniel Dedovsky (Palacký University in Olomouc)
Contemporary commercial utilization of the traditional medicaments in the area of Southern Siberia (Republic of Altai) and its ecological impacts
16:30 Tatiana Safonova (Central European University, Austria)
Bringing Protected Plants Home to Protect Them: Populist Environmentalism in a Hungarian Village
17:00 Discussion and Concluding remarks
Date & Time
25. 03. 2021, 10:00 GMT
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Mongolia & Inner Asia Studies Unit (MIASU, University of Camridge) and “Sinophone Borderlands: Interaction at the Edges” Project (Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic)
With the global race for natural resources in full swing, and no signs of China´s appetite for natural resources abating, placing an emphasis on lesser known potential resources in remote and less accessible locations is becoming a key priority for the global extractive industries. One of the last global resource frontiers in accessible proximity to China´s borders includes natural environments with little human development. These areas are located on China´s margins: Russian Siberia and the Far East, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan.