Land Use in the Russian Eastern Borderlands

May 20, 2021 | 9:00 AM CET
Social scholars are increasingly using remote sensing methods in their research. However, quantitative tradition and methodological foundations of remote sensing seem to contradict the paradigm of ethnographic immersion to which anthropologists who study changes in cultural landscapes are committed. Our seminar will bring together representatives of different disciplines to discuss how a mixture of purely quantitative (remote sensing) and exclusively qualitative (ethnographic and archival) methods enables scholars to explain cultural landscape changes profoundly.
Finding a methodological lingua franca will be facilitated by common research focus on land usein the Russian Far East, the region which remains a black spot on the scientific map.
Norio Horie (University of Toyama) “Chinese Land Deals and Migration in the Russian
Far East: Positionality Changes in the Borderlands.”
Norio Horie, Naoya Wada and Shishir Sharmin (University of Toyama) “Soy Bean Production and Land Use Changes in the Russian Eastern Borderlands.”
Naoya Wada (University of Toyama) “Utilization of satellite images for detecting longterm changes in forest cover and disturbances in the Zeya State Nature Reserve, Russian Far East.”
Sergey Ivanov (Palacky University) “Rush for cash crops in Primorye: dynamic of corporate farming and state policies.”
Natalia Ryzhova (Palacky University) “Feral and cultivated (soy)beans on Amur: changes in historical and contemporary landscapes.”
Olaf Guenter (Leipzig University) “Licorice/Liquorice in the Aral Sea region. Coping
with salinity and future with a wild plant.”
Kirill Bazarov (Far Eastern Branch of the Russian
Academy of Science) “Land Use in the Transboundary Khanka Lake Basin Using Remote Sensing Data.”