Workshop on publishing in international journals

Date & Time

February 11-13, 2020

To help researchers develop strategies for publishing in international scientific journals. This includes strategies as to how to write articles and frame one’s arguments, as well as how to choose the most appropriate journal and how to deal with the editors.


Palacký University, Vodární 6, Trainee Centre 3.40., Olomouc, Czech Republic


To help researchers develop strategies for publishing in international scientific journals. This includes strategies as to how to write articles and frame one’s arguments, as well as how to choose the most appropriate journal and how to deal with the editors.


Prof. Steven Saxonberg



Day 1, February 11 at 10:00-12:00: Lecture and discussion on how to write scientific articles and how to develop a strategy for publishing an article.

In the afternoon the participants will read an article published in a Czech journal and analyze how it could be rewritten and reframed to be published internationally.  They will also read a draft of one of my articles that I submitted to a journal as well as the criticisms that I received and finally they will read the published version to see how the article changed.

Day 2, February 12 at 10:00-12:00: Seminar where we discuss the article and how it could be rewritten and reframed to be published internationally. We will also discuss the draft of an article that I wrote. In the afternoon the participants will prepare their presentation of their article ideas.

Day 3, February 13 at 10:00-18:00: Participants will present their article ideas (preferably using powerpoint) and we will discuss how to transform their ideas into publishable articles.

March 10: Deadline for sending in article drafts. They should be sent to ALL participants in the workshop. Two participants will be the “opponents” for each article draft.

Day 4: March 17 at 10:00-18:00: Seminar in which we discuss everyone’s article drafts. Everyone should reach each other’s drafts and come with comments. Two people will be the official opponents to each article draft. This means they will have prepared comments and lead the discussion, although of course I will add my comments as well.


