Natalia Rhyzova: Survey on China perception

SPEAKER Dr. Natalia Rhyzova
TOPIC Survey on China perception; Planning of activity within DU3, DU4, DU7
DURATION 16. 08. 2018 – 23. 08. 2018
LOCATION Trainee centre, room no. 3.40, Vodární Street No. 6, Olomouc
CONTENT Consultation and training in connection with survey on public opinion (economic anthropology)
Training “Databases and Surveys on Economy at borders: Exchange, validation and evaluation methods”
Training within the DU3: Trends in development on Russian-Chinese borders
Russian Federation Case Studies – preparation of a project workshop
Consultation on invitation of hosts within the Trainee center, Consultation on schedule of fieldworks
Publication strategy within the DU3, MU3, DU4 and DU7

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