Monika Arnez is a social and cultural anthropologist specializing in environmental and urban anthropology, gender relations, and, more recently, material culture. She has carried out extended field research in Indonesia and Malaysia.
Arnez, Monika (2021) “The granularity of sand: Analogies of production, consumption, and distribution.” Dialogues in Human Geography 1-4. DOI: 10.1177/20438206211004857
Arnez, Monika (2020) “Flow of Sand”: The macro-micro research dialogue in a documentary on environmental impacts and infrastructural politics in Malaysia.
Arnez, Monika and Tomek Kaminski (2020). “Strengthening Southeast Asia’s Resilience: The Role of City and Community Initiatives for Post-Pandemic Recovery.”
Arnez, Monika (2020). On “Flow of Sand.” ARIScope, 17 September.
“Reclaiming the Sea from the Melaka Gateway.” (2020). New Mandala, 08 April. Flow of Sand (2019)
Arnez, Monika, Carl Middleton, Sally Beckenham, Michal Zareba, Tomek Kaminski, Andrea Valente, Robert Farnan, David Chu & Amnuayvit Thitibordin (2020) “Contested Knowledges of the Commons. Vignettes from the Field.” Deliverable 2.2 (Work Package Environment).
Arnez, Monika, Jan van der Putten, Edwin Weringa & Arndt Graf (2017) Traditions Redirecting Contemporary Indonesian Productions. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Monika Arnez / Jürgen Sarnowsky (2016) The Role of Religions in the European Perception of Insular and Mainland Southeast Asia: Travel Accounts of the 16th to the 21st Century. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Arnez, Monika (2017) “Green aspirations and the Dynamics of Integration in two East Kalimantan Cities,” in: Vignato, Silvia (ed), Dreams of Prosperity: Inequality and Integration in Southeast Asia (Chiang Mai: Silkworm, 2017), pp. 27-54.
Arnez, Monika and Eva Nisa (2016) “Dimensions of Morality: The transnational Writers’ Collective <Forum Lingkar Pena>. Bijdragen tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde 172(4): 449-478.
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